This is a little page for things i've written in the past. These may include topics of death and violence so please be aware of that.


The Huntsman stalked through the undergrowth, head bent low in the bushes. His footsteps barely made a sound as they approached his target, a large tawny buck. Raising their rifle, he prepared to shoot

"Good day Huntsman," a voice said directly behind them.

His gun went off, missing the deer entirely and causing it to run off. They turned around to see it was the damned vampire from before, complete with an amused smile and glasses. The Huntsman grimaced. The vampire was the last person he wanted to see right now.

"Out looking for deer? My apologies if I interrupted you," the vampire said.

"That was this week's dinner," the Huntsman said bitterly. "I'm sorry, what was?" the vampire asked. "The deer you just chased off. That was my dinner. " "Ah, uh, well, I do hope you are able to find something el-!'' The vampire was abruptly cut off by the Huntsman lifting him off the ground like another one of the animals they kill.

"I'm making this quick," the Huntsman growled into his ear. "Do not interrupt my hunting. Or you will end up like the animals I seek." He then dropped the stunned vampire on the ground, sending his hat flying, and stomped off with his coat flapping behind him.

Murder Report

Dr. ■■■, Head Chair of the Psychic Crime Prevention Institution, has received many strange phone calls in the past. This, however, was one of the stranger ones. The following is a transcript of the phone call.

This was an anonymous tip traced back to

5716 Plains Ville Samnard


8:26 pm

To Dr ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■

Time Period: Tonight/Tomorrow

*Call Start*

Dr ■■■: Hello, Dr ■■■ speaking.

Anonymous: Hello, I have called to inform you of a murder that will happen tonight.

Dr ■■■: A murder? Was this a planned death you were informed of? Talk of an assassination you overheard? How did you come to learn this information?

Anonymous: No. It was not a planned murder.

Dr ■■■: Then how did you find out about this?

Anonymous: If you do not intervene before 10:30 the killer will escape and it is for everyone's sake that you do not let that happen.

Dr ■■■: Alright, then please tell me what will happen.

Anonymous: In a small white house in the suburbs, at 10:13 pm exactly, there will be a murder of a mother with a kitchen fork. The assailants intent was not death, but it occurred nonetheless. The killer in question, 19 years of age, will attempt to clean the crime scene by mopping the blood from the linoleum floor and throwing the body in the trash bin . After they're done, they will pack some belongings, catch the 10:30 bus to the airport, and fly to the city Kastill. Anything past this point cannot be confirmed.

Dr ■■■: Can you give me any more information? What are the names of people involved, what led to it, where this will take place, anything more?

Anonymous: Trace the origins of this call and go to the house directly on the right. That is all I can tell you.

*Call End*